Sunday, September 9, 2012

Public Health problem-HIV/AIDS among Russian inmates

HIV/AIDS among Russian inmates

Overview of the issue: HIV prevalence rate in Russia is ranked 47th according to the CIA profile website. According to WHO Europe, the Russian Federation reported that the prevalence HIV rate among prisoners has rapidly increased in 2007. HIV/AIDS is a serious concern for prison populations across central Asia and Europe. Prisons are extremely high risk environment for transmission of HIV-poor nutrition, limited health care, drug use and unprotected sex. The incarceration rate in Russian Federation in 2008 was 629 person per 100,000. 
In 2010, the officials estimated that 55,000 of Russia's 864,000 inmates were infected with HIV. 

Public Health concern: This particular issue is world wide. It isn't just in Russia. It is more popular concern than any other continent. Russia's poorly manged prison system is being scrutinized. Not only this poorly managed prison systems a high risk environment for HIV/AIDS but drug-resistance Tuberculosis as well. 

Education: I believe that this issue is from lack of education on sharing needles for drug use and unprotected sex. For the inmates in Russia, they should be educated and be more careful about drug use and the method. 

Moscow, Russia Federation

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